Everyday Yogini
bite-size pieces of self-care
The Making of the Wanderlust Exhibit + Opening Night
Last June I was inspired to put together a show proposal to submit to Del Ray Artisans Gallery; a co-op gallery I've been a member of since 2015. I decided the theme I wanted to focus on was travel, adventure and new experiences....thus the name Wanderlust emerged...
Travel Diaries: Giving Back, Helping Many
When I returned from India this past January, I wrote a blog post called Travel Dairies: Retreating to India where I shared a little on meditation retreat I attended through Dhyanyoga Centers and the beauty I experienced on a daily level at their ashram. While I was there I got a tour of the facility grounds---it's amazing how much they've added and expanded to their grounds. I've been doing volunteer work with this organization for over 18 years now and they hold a very special place in my heart...they're actually the inspiration behind our Giving Back Program.