40 Days of Sun Salutations

40 Days of Sun Salutations

Last week allergies hit me BIG time, so I've become religious about doing my neti pot in the morning and have appreciated the yoga sequence to help with allergies, that Be Luecke shared a few weeks on our blog. Yoga is such an amazing science. I love the power that lies in the simplicity of a daily practice.For sometime now, I've been wanting to incorporate a daily hatha yoga, home practice into my routine. But, I know me and I know how I can start things with the best of intentions and then fall off the wagon :). So, earlier this week I was chatting with Be and we decided to do a yoga challenge together....40 days of 12 daily Sun Salutations. A quick and easy daily practice you can do anywhere. I love that we're doing this together because doing a daily practice with a partner has a way of making it more of commitment and a fun way to touch base with a friend regularly.

Join Us!

We're on Day 3 and I'm LOVING it--my sinuses are open and my energy levels are even higher which always feels GOOD--a win-win situation in my book. Plus, what better way to transition from spring into summer :)...I think our 40 days will be ending right around the Summer Solstice!If you want to join us, the more the merrier! Just ask your favorite yoga friend, near or far if they want to join you on this challenge, then leave a comment below telling us who you're doing it with and when you're starting and we'll try to support each other! Happy May, friends...wishing you all an allergy-free, happy spring!xo,Kajal

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Artist in Residence, yay!


Quick and Easy, GF, Blueberry-Walnut Cinnamon Rolls {from scratch!}