Everyday Yogini
bite-size pieces of self-care
Guest Post: Yoga for Allergies
Be Luecke will be sharing part two on her series dealing with allergies in the spring through natural therapies and yoga--I'm so grateful to her for sharing her wisdom with all of us! If you didn't get a chance to read part 1, you can here: 3 Little Known Techniques to Help with Allergies.
Orange Julius Smoothie
When I was little and before there were Juice Stops, Jamba Juices and smoothies galore...there was Orange Julius :). Every mall had one of these little kiosks or store fronts where the counter display was lined with plastic oranges and they had the most delicious orange, pineapple and tropical flavored....
Reflections of a Yogini | Thoughts on turning 40!
For those of you that don’t know, next week I turn 40 :)…And being on the cusp of this new year, this new decade has got me thinking about where I’ve been, where I’m at and where I want to go...
2018: New Year, New Mantra + Giveaway!
My favorite New Year's tradition is collaging my intentions for the next year. I love this organic process, because snip by snip, new intentions and messages emerge giving the year a vision and things to work towards and enjoy. Do you have an intention for 2018? The year's still young....read on to learn more :).