A little surprise from India...from me to you.

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A little surprise from India

I'm so excited about leaving for India this Friday!  I'm spending a little over 2 weeks at the ashram that our Giving Back Program helps support. The ashram is absolutely gorgeous; it's along the banks of the Narmada, where the air feels peaceful and my heart and mind feel still, happy and at home. I'll be immersed in a  12-day meditation retreat led by Shri Anandi Ma; I'm really looking forward to disconnecting and getting quiet on the inside :). But before it begins....I'll definitely spend some time shopping :). 

From me to you!

As I hope you all know, I'm not only the artist behind all the creations in my store, but I also wear 17 other hats :); one of which includes filling all orders that come in through my online store.  So, while I'm gone, all orders placed between Jan 11- Feb 6 will be mailed out upon my return to my studio on Mon., Feb 7, 2018....and as a thank you for your patience I'll be tucking in some fun extra goodies and surprises from my Indian shopping adventures into each and every order. Here's to discovering new treasures, inside and out :)!xo,Kajal

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


And our 2018 New Year's Giveaway Winner is....


2018: New Year, New Mantra + Giveaway!