2018: New Year, New Mantra + Giveaway!

Happy New Year, friends!

Wholesome Soul | 2018 Intentions, art, home goods

2018: New Year, New Mantra

Awaken your inner warriorWith unconditional warmth and acceptance, empower the impulse to move toward happiness...see the light in you, you are unlimited.

Welcome ContentmentRemind yourself daily that... I am beautiful, I am bountiful and I am blissful....and stay in that space for good.

Hop on the Happiness TrackRealize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have and Hope is the only drink you need to be drinking....empty yourself and let the universe fill you.

Travel with a Sense of Openness, Love and GratitudeFor wild places and a desire to enjoy the journey through balance, self-care and growth.

Enjoy an Enlightened DietInfuse your yoga practice with energy, stability and balance by combining asana and meditation.

Gather Your SparksYou are the company you keep, so keep great company--engage in meaningful conversations. Rejuvenate. The magic of our tribe is in blending yoga, art and inspiration....to cultivate connection. Happy together.

Live Well, Be HappyMeasure riches in terms of relationships, spirituality and creativity. Walk with wisdom and listen. Take small steps for a big impact. Love, love, love your whole life from the inside out. A reminder that roadside assistance for the spiritual traveler is always available, so be fearless.

Giving back is her life's purpose; seva (self-less service) makes her happy.

What's your 2018 Mantra going to be?

The year's still young :), so I hope you get a chance this weekend to reflect and create your own 2018 inspiration board, because as many of you know, collaging / setting intentions is my favorite new year's tradition. The beauty about these boards is that they can be about anything--internal or external. I've collaged on wellness/healing, love, moving and even work. 

Create Your Own Vision Board

What I love about this process is that there is something so calming, organic and grounding about it. I try not to start with any pre-defined ideas and instead allow myself to get lost in a pile of favorite magazines and my box of "things I love" (i.e. tea bag quotes, old cards, newsletter snippets, inspiring articles, etc, etc). After a few hours of ripping and snipping out things I'm drawn to, I sit down with a blank canvas and start arranging the words and images. And slowly, without a doubt, my deepest longings come to the surface.This year was no different, the messages that came out were loud and clear and resonated deeply in my heart. For me 2018 is going to be about redefining my definition of success through self love, contentment and community....and spending so  much more time outside, basking with Mother Nature! 


2018 Zodiac Calendar, Wholesome Soul, Matted Prints, Wall ArtI'd love to hear what your intention and/or word is for 2018  and why.For a little inspiration and incentive, I'm hosting a New Year's Giveaway :)!

(1) Matted print (of your choice) + (1) 2018 Zodiac Calendar ($64 value)

TO ENTER:Do the following three things by Tuesday, Jan 9 at midnight*
  1. Create a collage and/or pick a word/intention for 2018.
  2. Then leave a comment below on this blog post:
    • Sharing what your intention and/or word is for 2018 and why. 
    • And, what print you would like to win
  3. Last, make sure you're signed up for our newsletter because that's where we'll be announcing the winner, next Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018. 

***RESTRICTIONS apply: I'm sorry, but at this time, only US + CANADA residents can enter to win and you must +18 years of age.

ADDITIONAL ENTRIES: For additional entries into the giveaway you can do any or all of the following, each one will count as an 2 additional entries...but to have these count, you have to do the above first.Instagram = 2 additional entries
  • Follow us at @wholesome.soul 
  • Post a pic of your collage/vision board on your feed and in your post share what your intention/word is for 2018, tag us @wholesome.soul and include hashtag #wholesomesoul.

Facebook= 2 additional entries

  • follow us @WholesomeSoulART
  • Post a pic of your collage/vision board on your feed and in your post share what your intention/word is for 2018, tag us @WholesomeSoulArt and include hashtag #wholesomesoul
Happy 2018, friends! Here's to supporting each other and our intentions! I can't wait to hear from you!With love,Kajalp.s. If want some additional inspiration, you can see past years here: 2012, 2013, 2014, 20152017 (in 2016 I opted to do a 100 day project instead).
Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


A little surprise from India...from me to you.


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