The magic of India + going within

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The magic of India

As you read this, I will already be in India...but I wanted to share with you why I love going to India...As I wrote a few year's ago, there's something so special and magical about India :):

India is a country full of many extremes that can stimulate your senses and evoke a lot of emotions. These extremes are not compartmentalized or segregated, but instead they all co-exist. There’s richness and poorness, spirituality and materialism, spicy and extra spicy :), wide open farmland and overly congested cities, traffic jams and water buffalo crossings, delicious aromas and putrid smells and a deep innate sense of the constant bustle and peaceful stillness that life has to offer. For me these extremes serve as a mirror, constantly reminding me of our inner workings; we have rich thoughts and poor thoughts, we have our moments of being deeply spiritually and of being materialistic and there are times when our lives are deliciously fragrant and times when they just stink. But these are all things that can’t be compartmentalized or put into little boxes—whether we like it or not, they all co-exist within us at varying levels. Often it can feel chaotic, but I’m learning that if we can consciously flip the coin over, we can see that there is just as much peace to be found in those moments if we can stay open enough to see and feel both.

Going Within

Most of my trip will be spent at Shri Anandi Ma's ashram that's nestled along the banks of the holy Narmada River; I'm so happy and ready to disconnect, go within and surround myself with hundreds of like minded yogis and yoginis. Over the past 18 years, I've spent countless months at this ashram; doing intense yogic practices and providing seva (self-less service) wherever the need was... and that's why this organization has such a special place in my heart.As many of you know my Giving Back program is at the heart of all I do through Wholesome Soul; with every purchase you make in our store, we LOVE donating goodness forward. And, Dhyanyoga Centers mission is a big piece of they are an organization that spreads so much goodness into the world!At their ashram in India they offer free daily medical services to the poor, distribution of grains to the hungry, school supplies to village kids, care of an amazing herd of cows and provide sincere spiritual seekers opportunities to do intense yogic practices at the banks of the holy Narmada's truly magical and you can feel the love in the air. :)I can't wait to share all the goodness with you on my return, stories, reflections and special surprises from my trip tucked into each and every order placed between Jan 12-Feb 5, 2018.Until then,xo,Kajal  

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Why the cows in India roam wild & free


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