Make Kindness A Priority & Feel Your World Shift

Kindness Cards by Wholesome Soul

Make kindness a priority and feel your world shift

Many of us have heard about random acts of kindness or paying kindness forward. Pay for the toll of the car behind you, drop in extra money at a parking meter for the next person, surprise a friend with a coffee, hold the door open for family and strangers….but have you ever stopped and thought about how it made you feel or what your kindness actions inspired someone else?


Think of a time when someone you know or didn’t know surprised you with kind words or an action. Didn’t it inspire you to want to do the same for another? Kindness is an amazing force that both connects and inspires. It has a way of sparking a deep sense of gratitude, faith in humanity and a joy that touches us at the core…because it’s like an extension of love.


And right now, I think the world more than ever needs this kind of kindness and love.


Kindness is contagious

Developing a kindness practice isn’t just about acts that are random or reserved for strangers. It’s simply about wanting to help rather than harm someone…in thought, word or deed. So that can mean choosing silence over criticism, speaking gently rather than harshly and smiling over scowling. Simple acts of kindness can have positive, long-term effects—not only for the recipient but for the giver as well. Best of all, they’re contagious.



Kindness Mission: are you in? 

Like with any spiritual practice, I believe even kindness requires ongoing cultivation and a deliberate commitment. And that’s really what inspired me to create my Kindness Cards. I wanted to create a tool that we could all use to spread a little more joy and love into the lives of those around us…known and unknown. These tiny but mighty cards are packed with intentions to bring a smile or a little sunshine to someone’s day.


So whether you slip one of these cards into your child’s lunch box, a neighbor’s windshield, a friend’s purse, your yoga student’s shoes, into a tip jar, on a co-worker’s desk….the sky’s really the limit to how you can use these cards. The mission is really about  helping make the world a little more kinder, a little more peaceful and little more happier …one day at a time. As Tara Brach put it so wisely, “if we dedicate our lives to kindness, to the qualities of friendliness and care, we would be directly serving peace on earth”. So friends, please join me on my mission to spread more peace, love and kindness into the world!


I'd love to hear your stories on how kindness has changed or impacted your leave a comment below!
Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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