Let's create something special


AN INVITATION TO COLLABORATE As with most milestone birthdays, my 40th birthday year has had me reflecting, dreaming and planning for a while now. And after much digging deep, it’s clear that as I grow and evolve, so does Wholesome Soul :).I’m so grateful for my creative design boutique. I love sharing uplifting collections of art and gifts, while also expressing my deep love for all things creative and spiritual.And now I’m pulled to take my services to the next level. I want to spend more time collaborating and creating with like-minded friends like you—art and design work that’s inspired by you and created by me.

What does that look like?

My designs help holistic practitioners, families and organizations convey meaning in an uplifting and memorable way. I love putting a visual to another’s vision.Often times clients come to me and do not even know exactly what they’re looking for. But through a back and forth creative process, we end up creating magic together.

Some of my favorite projects include:

  • a custom painting for yourself or your bestie
  • an inspiring logo + branding workfor a new endeavor
  • a custom holiday cardto share with friends, family and clients
  • special goodsto help you stand out using my art and design savvy

Let's talk

So friends—let’s create something special together.If you want to bring more creativity, soul and beauty to a new project or a holiday card, let’s talk. And if you’re interested in creating a custom commission for a holiday gift, now’s the time to get started on it.Just send me a message and let’s set up a time to talk!xo,Kajal

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Corn Pakoras for Diwali


Love, Satisfaction and Forgiveness