Waking up to the Joy of YOU!

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Waking up to the Joy of YOU!

This past weekend, my family and I headed up north to the Good Life Project's last"Camp"event. The Good Life Project is an organization created by Jonathon and Stephanie Fields and their core mission is to simply inspire good living. For the past five years they have hosted an adult-only summer camp that is rejuvenating, thought-provoking and just plain old fun :). And with it being the last year that they're planning on hosting an event like this--- the weekend was epic; a true love-fest.GLP has a record of attracting souls that shine bright from the inside. People in attendance, generally all have big hearts and big missions they're sharing with the world. And best of all, living their truth and/or spreading the magic of meditation is at the core of their work.Among bonfires, s'mores, tie-dying and kayaking, we had the opportunity to hear some phenomenal speakers and attend some inspiring workshops. One of my favorite talks was by Agape Stassinopoulos, who's a part of Thrive Global, an organization founded by her sister Arianna Huffington. Her talk was based on the power of meditation and how it allows you to wake up to the joy of YOU. We were also honored to hear from others like Light Watkins, Dr. Aviva Romm,and K.C. Carter. The weekend was so rich in content, I don't have enough words to share all the nuggets of wisdom I picked up in one blog post. So for now, I'm posting illustrated notes from two of the talks I attended. See pics below.

Soaking up sunshine & happy vibes

Overall, the last few weeks have been filled with a lot of special moments. Between celebrating my mother-in-law's 80th birthday, going to see Hamilton at the Kennedy Center in DC (which was phenomenal!!!!!) and heading up north to go camping with 400 friends....my heart's been feeling pretty full.Like many of you, my husband and I both work long hours and are very action oriented people both at work and at home. We always have long to-do lists at work, kids/ aging parents that need help and projects of our own that need attention. We try our best to intently work on chipping away at these lists daily, while sprinkling in our meditation practices and bits of self-care when we can. But this August, as intense as it's felt...with 4 major planets retrograde, I'm so glad we took the time to slow down this past weekend to soak up some sunshine and happy vibes and do a few special things that we don't generally get a chance to do.Yes, it did mean that some things may have fallen through the cracks (like my weekly newsletter the past 2 weeks and following up on a few projects both at work and at home). But friends, if there's one lesson I keep learning over and over...it's that life is not going to stop. So, rather than reach a wall of exhaustion and or burnout, were need to proactively work on taking time to STOP, BREATHE and CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE to soak up sunshine and happy vibes (whatever that means for you). Once rejuvenated, our ability to give is always so much greater.How's your summer going? Have you had a chance to play, chill...fill your soul with a little love and rest? I'd love to hear, so please share below!With so much LOVE,xo,Kajalp.s. If you've been wanting to start a meditation practice or if you already have one and want to strengthen it, my friend KC Carter is hosting a 30-meditation challenge. I highly recommend checking it out!!!

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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