Everyday Yogini
bite-size pieces of self-care
Month of Shiva
In Rishikesh, India, there is an amazingly gargantuan murti (statue) of shiva in the middle of the Ganges River. It is not only gorgeous but oh so inspiring! Some parts of the year, the statue is completely submerged into the water and at other times, he sits in all his glory above the water.
Cellphones: my love/hate relationship
The thing is.... cell phones are no longer just phones. They are mini computers, walk-man's, cameras, magazines, shopping centers, calendars, books, classes, notepads, weather men, calculators, encyclopedias, stationary, book clubs, travel agents, alarm clocks....and the list goes on and on from here. I don't know about you, but I find myself more and more guilty of multi-tasking a billion and one things right from the palm of my hand, at all hours of the day (and sometimes night).
Deathless Love
One of my favorite parts of my vacation was diving deep into an "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda. It's definitely being added to my top 10 list of best spiritual books out there. It's so beautifully written; I'm amazed at how he captured the essence and magnificence of the guru (teacher) disciple (student) relationship.
#100 Day Project: daily art
In October I had a ball doing a 30 day, art every day challenge. I didn't really have any expectations for the month, I was just interested in sketching more and seeing if I'd be able to stick to the routine. Little did I know that it would awaken my creativity in a whole new way :). Above and below are a few of peeks of some of the art I created over the course of 30 days. I really enjoyed exploring my interpretation of goddesses :)...that's Saraswati above and Lakshmi below...amongst sketching out recipes, my everyday yogini's and I did a little ode to quiet places. It didn't really put a box around the type of art I had to create which was so freeing.
YOU'RE INVITED: 2016 Global Collage Party
New Year's Collage Party's have been a long time tradition of my sister and I...and now I'd love to open up this tradition and invite you and your friends to join the fun!Whenever I've taken the time to put visuals to my hopes and goals for the future, they seem to stick a little better. Maybe it's because I not only have a clear image in my mind, but when I start veering off track, my collage provides a visual reminder of my intention were and an ample dose of inspiration to stay on course and keep motivated....especially if my piece is hung in a good spot, like by desk, by my bed or one year I even hung it in my bathroom so that I would see it every morning while I was getting ready.
Commissions+ Art Therapy + December Giveaway Winners
This week I finished up three lovely commission pieces for a dear friend of mine from college....they were so fun to do! She wanted to give something special to her sisters that encompassed their love, friendship and the gratitude she held for each of them. So, after a few phone conversations and a little questionnaire, I created these three pieces to celebrate their sisterly bond!
GIVEAWAY + Exploring Seasonal Veggies with the Joyful 12™
There is something so special about eating fresh and making mealtimes a daily family gathering. I've found that cooking fresh is definitely nourishing, but when I'm able to cook with my family or friends, it brings out an ample dose of love and creativity that enriches our relationship on a much deeper level. And then when we sit down to share our bounty, there's a comfort in the ritual of breaking bread while sharing the highlights of every one's day, world events and whatever else is on our minds.
BLACK FRIDAY: #optingoutside
So, this Black Friday instead of fighting the lines at the malls and spending your day on the computer, #optoutside and enjoy your family & friends. And once you're rested and rejuvenated, stop by and stock up on our little doses of big inspiration over the weekend. Our sale won't start until Saturday and it'll last through Monday! Best of all everything is #handmade with 100% #love.
Glazed Carrots & our Winners!
Art Every Day Month has been awesome! If you haven't a chance to check out my daily drawings, you can view them all here. It's defintiely got me thinking outside of the box and trying new things! So, as Thanksgiving approaches here's my recipe for glazed carrots....a lovely Thanksgiving side. I hope you enjoy!
Chai Spiced Eggnog (vegan & GF) !
So, in the spirit of actions speaking louder than words :), I'm excited to host Wholesome Soul's first annual Gratitude Giveaway.I'll be giving away 4 of my Holiday Card Sets to 4 lucky people...and all you have to do between today and NOV 22 to enter is...