YOU'RE INVITED: 2016 Global Collage Party

2016 Global Collage Party

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Turning your New Year's resolutions into reality.

Creating a New Year's resolutions is one thing and turning it into a reality is whole different story...wouldn't you say? 
Well, if you want to see your resolutions stick in 2016, what better way than to collage a picture of what you'd like to set your sights on. Creating a vision picture of your hopes and aspirations is a powerful tool that allows you to create a roadmap of what you want to focus on over the next year.
New Year's Collage Party's have been a long time tradition of my sister and I...and now I'd love to open up this tradition and invite you and your friends to join the fun!
Whenever I've taken the time to put visuals to my hopes and goals for the future, they seem to stick a little better. Maybe it's because I not only have a clear image in my mind, but when I start veering off track, my collage provides a visual reminder of my intention were and an ample dose of inspiration to stay on course and keep motivated....especially if my piece is hung in a good spot, like by desk, by my bed or one year I even hung it in my bathroom so that I would see it every morning while I was getting ready.
So, whether near or far, I hope you'll join the fun and host a little gathering of your own on January that as a community we can come together and set some beautiful intentions for 2016!
Below, is a guide on the in's and out's of how to join our Global Collage Party....I look forward to seeing you there!
Looking forward to a beautiful 2016!
Lots of love,


  • PICK A FEW FRIENDS - I personally like to keep my collage parties small and intimate; 2-5 people so there's enough room for everyone to spread out with their boards and get comfortable with each other. I think this year I'm going to keep it small...around 3-4 people. And to be honest, I have done a few by myself as well, which have been pretty special,'s really up to you and how you want to spend the day.
  • SEND OUT A SIMPLE INVITE - You can either send out an email or if you're on FB, you can just invite your friends via our FB Events Page. Either way, please have your friends RSVP on our FB page because that where we'll be sharing our collages. Also, in your invite you can welcome everyone to start thinking about what they want to fill their 2016 with prior to the evening and...between now and your gathering if they see images and words that represent what they're looking to fill their new year with....they should start collecting!
  • PROVIDE A SUPPLIES LIST- I generally request that each person bring: 1 posterboard, a few magazines (old & new), glue sticks and maybe an appetizer to share.
  • SNACKS & DRINKS - As the host, I like to provide several wholesome, New Year, feel good snack & drink options like: hummus & fresh veggies, fresh fruit salad or bowl of berries, rice paper rolls, cheese and crackers, fruit water, and green smoothie mocktails...but it's your party so can serve whatever you like :). Stay tuned, I'll share some recipes the week of Dec 28th.
  • RSVP- Also, before you send out your invites to your party, please include a link to our Global Collage Party Facebook Event Page and make sure you and your friends RSVP this is where we will all be sharing our collages.
  • PARTY FAVORS- As a token of gratitude and love for the new year, I'm excited to mail a little New Year inspiration/ surprise, to each person who joins the fun. All they have to do is RSVP here + post a picture of their collage on our FB events page with @wholesomesoul in their text, between Jan 2-8. So make sure to have all your friends RSVP and upload pics of their collage between Jan 2- 8! Best of all, everyone who RSVP's + post's a picture on the FB page between jan 2-8 will be automatically entered into our January stay tuned to for more details!

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  • SET THE STAGE - Before your friends come, set the stage to a lovely afternoon or evening...Make your mocktails, set out your snacks, light a few candles and pick some a fun playlist of tunes that you and friends will enjoy. I personally like playing chants by Shri Anandi Ma and Krishnadas.
  • INTRODUCTIONS - If everyone doesn't know everyone, start with introductions and little mingling so that everyone can get to know each other.
  • GET TO WORK - Clip those magazines to shreds. I would suggest letting people know it's easier to lay out the general design of their board first, and followed by gluing it all down. Some people like leaving white space, so that you can add additional items through the year...or other people (like me), tend to fill up every inch during the first sitting. It's really a personal preference and there's no wrong way with these let inspiration dance through you.
  • GLUE IT ALL DOWN - It's best to get everything glued on that we all know waiting until "tomorrow" can often mean that it might not happen....and a great way to start the new year is by finishing one of your first projects of the year!
  • SHARE - Once everyone has their boards glued down, I like to take the time to go around and share what's on everyone's boards. It's a nice way to spark conversation, advice and ideas!
  • SENDING YOUR INTENTIONS OUT INTO THE WORLD - As a global community it will be wonderful to see everyone collages all in one you and friends can do any or ALL of the following, so that we can all share.

 Looking forward to a wonderful 2016!Lots of love,Kajal 

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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