Goodbye 2015: a year in review.

Dear Friends, Happy New Year!

Every year I like taking the time to recap the year - to look back and see where we started and where we ended. At a glance it gives you a chance to celebrate the strides, review lessons learned, reflect on turning moments...basically to realize just how far we've come. Have you every tried this? It's amazing how much really happens in 365 days.My word for 2015 was Faith and boy did I learn a lot! Faith is magical because she has the ability to remove doubt, help you overcome hardships and provide guidance when you most need it. Amongst many lessons she taught me this year, the most important had to do with learning to have more faith in myself. With my work, with my words, with my actions. So Faith, as always, THANK YOU!

So here's a recap of some of my 2015 highlights and lowlights:

Dhyanyoga Centers | 21 day meditation retreat

  • Helped a lovely new company named Charlie and Spike get all its branding and marketing materials together for their new product line of fashionable and cute dog harnesses.
  • Got an ulcer on my eye, which made me re-evaluate my day and how much time I really wanted to be spending on the computer.
  • Moved from an itty-bitty condo into a real house :)!

IMG_0331 (3)

  • Completed an awesome 8 week on-line class called B-School by Marie Forleo....which really helped me get focused and clear on where I want to take my art & design work.
  • Revamped my website to make it feel more like me :).


  • Created a lot of new art in my new studio.


  • I taught my first painting class, which was a blast!



  • Decided I needed to get more social and meet other entrepreneurs, so I attended the Good Life Project Camp, which was just what I needed!
  • My grandfather, the happiest man on earth passed away....which was so devastating, but at the same time so uplifting to see what a life well lived really can read more about this here.

Tribute to Dada

  • Put myself out hosting a booth of my work at several fairs/ festivals: Wanderlust108 DC, Art on the Ave in Del Ray, VA, Family Fest, Bethany House Holiday Bazaar, Del Ray Artisans Holiday Market...and even hosted my first Sip & Shop at my house!

Team Wholesome Soul

  • Took my first vacation to the Caribbean....OMG!


  • Had the opportunity to interview one of my favorite food writers in the can read it here!

Wholesome Soul | Interview with Pure Vege


  • Worked on a logo + T-Shirt project for a lovely family and their event.


  • Hosted my first on-line sale on Black all made me so truly grateful for what I do! THANK YOU for all the support!
  • Assisted a friend in an art therapy commission to help her mother who had a stroke. A very humbling commission!

Commissions, art therapy, stroke, sketch, adult color books

  • Completed a three-piece commission for a friend and her sisters....absolutely my favorite paintings of the year!

Commissions, Art, Prints, Inspiration, Girlfriends

  • Hosted my first LARGE family gathering at our house over the holidays :).
  • Ended the year with my heart a lot fuller and my creativity flowing much faster :)!

IMG_3937Thank you for your constant support and because of lovely souls like you I get to do what I love to do THANK YOU very much! Hoping you all had an inspiring 2015...and wishing you all an even more soulful 2016! I'd love to hear what your greatest moment from 2015 leave me a comment below!Lots of love,Kajal 

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


#100 Day Project: daily art


YOU'RE INVITED: 2016 Global Collage Party