Dear Friends — I’ve been blogging on my website for over a decade (which is a really long time!). After a lot of thinking, I’ve decided to officially retire my website blog. Moving forward, I’m excited about creating an on-going newsletter + publication on Substack — a wonderful new online space for writers, where the potential for building community and creating new offerings feels like a great opportunity and next step. I hope to see you there! xo, Kajal

p.s. For now, I’ll be keeping the below archives of my blogs available here as they are. And, over time, I will revisit and revive some of them— with revised and refreshed editions posted on Substack.

Reflections Kajal Dhabalia Reflections Kajal Dhabalia

#100 Day Project: daily art

In October I had a ball doing a 30 day, art every day challenge. I didn't really have any expectations for the month, I was just interested in sketching more and seeing if I'd be able to stick to the routine. Little did I know that it would awaken my creativity in a whole new way :). Above and below are a few of peeks of some of the art I created over the course of 30 days. I really enjoyed exploring my interpretation of goddesses :)...that's Saraswati above and Lakshmi below...amongst sketching out recipes, my everyday yogini's and I did a little ode to quiet places. It didn't really put a box around the type of art I had to create which was so freeing.

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Reflections Kajal Dhabalia Reflections Kajal Dhabalia

Wanderlust: a mindful triatholon + art

A few weeks ago I had the good fortunate to host a booth for Wholesome Soul at Wanderlust 108 D.C., where 1500 yogi's made their way together for a day of yoga and mindful living. As someone who's a practicing yogi and that enjoys exercise, hatha yoga, meditation and fresh diet, it was awesome to see how this event brought so many people together from different walks of life. It was a fun and diverse mix of cultures, body sizes, skill levels and interests...which was great to see.

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