Everyday Yogini

bite-size pieces of self-care

Reflections Kajal Dhabalia Reflections Kajal Dhabalia

My traveling boots are on...

Hello all!Well, I leave for India this weekend and boy, am I excited! I have not been to India since 2006 and I know so much has changed....for the country as well as for myself :). This will be the first time my family in India will meet my husband...this Thanksgiving marks our 7 year Anniversary, so this visit is definitely overdue!

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Reflections Kajal Dhabalia Reflections Kajal Dhabalia

Deepest Gratitude & Adoration

This past summer I had the fortune of spending quite a bit of time with my meditation teacher Shri Anandi Ma. For those of you that don't know, Anandi Ma is a spiritual master in the lineage of Kundalini Maha Yoga. Her mission is to help people reach their true selves through meditation; and she has students all across the world.

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Reflections Kajal Dhabalia Reflections Kajal Dhabalia

Around Here Lately

It's October...yippeee! Another autumn full of gorgeous colored leaves, sweater days (& BOOTS), fresh apple pie out of the oven, evenings chilly enough for fires (& SNUGGLING), big pots of soup that make the kitchen windows steamy and the excitement of the holidays in the air! Yes, I do indeed love you, Autumn :)...you are one of my favorites!

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