Sesame Ginger Baked Tofu

IMG_2199I imagine many of you feel the same way when I say, OMG it's already September... I can't believe how fast this summer has gone by :)!For me, this summer has included a bit more travel than I normally do...what about you?Traveling can often be draining and a bit tedious, but I noticed when I pack the right food and walk as much as possible during my layovers, I definitely felt better.It's always good to remember that the one weapon we always have in our arsenal for self-care is the food we put in our bodies.  Food is such an amazing tool, don't think? What we feed ourselves literally fuels our energy levels, directly impacts the appearance of our bodies and greatly influences our minds. For something we do several times a day...I'd say it's worth putting a little dedicated time and creative energy towards since the payoff is huge.This week I leave for one of my favorite meditation retreats of the year; Dhyanyoga Center's annual Mahasamadhi Retreat. It's such a wonderful weekend that recharges me not just for a few weeks, but months...especially if I keep up with daily practices.So, as I get ready to board another plane this week, I thought I'd share what I'll be taking on my trip: Sesame Ginger Baked Tofu (see below for recipe), Goddess Greens and Quinoa & Black Bean Cakes.This meal packs nice and is light, yet filling which is nice when you're sitting for a large portion of the day. In addition, it is rich in protein and antioxidants...perfect to counter balance the stress that comes from traveling.And best of all, even if you're not traveling, this baked tofu is great to have on hand....once made, it can be used throughout the week to add to stir-fry's and summer rolls, toss in a salad or pasta or just snack on.  ENJOY!Kajal

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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