The magic of meditation.

image-2I love India. There's something so magical about being there...but so hard to put into words.India is a country full of all sorts of extremes that can stimulate your senses and evoke a lot of emotions. These extremes are not compartmentalized or segregated, but instead they all co-exist. There's richness and poorness, spirituality and materialism, spicy and extra spicy :), wide open farmland and overly congested cities, traffic jams and water buffalo crossings, delicious aromas and putrid smells and a deep innate sense of the constant bustle and peaceful stillness that life has to offer.It's amazing.Amazing 21 day Meditation Retreat in India.For me these extremes serve as a mirror, constantly reminding me of our inner workings; we have rich thoughts and poor thoughts, we have our moments of being deeply spiritually and of being materialistic and there are times when our lives are deliciously fragrant and times when they just stink. But these are all things that can't be compartmentalized or put into little boxes---whether we like it or not, they all co-exist within us at varying levels. Often it can feel chaotic, but I'm learning that if we can consciously flip the coin over, we can see that there is just as much peace to be found in those moments if we can stay open enough to see and feel both.Seva at the Ashram in IndiaMy time at the ashram was special....I was blessed by some holy & beautiful views, I got to enjoy love through the freshest food and best milk in the world and I got to experience the magic of meditation... so many insights, happy encounters and opportunities to immerse myself in the constant flow of loveMy biggest insight was....THAT LIFE REALLY IS SO SHORT. Our years, months, days, minutes and seconds are not infinite; they are priceless moments that I need to make the most out and not waste on senseless grudges, negative attitudes or unnecessary seriousness.The Amazing cows at Anandi Ma Ashram, India. And that was made clear to me through the power of meditation, seva (selfless-service) and the grace of a true teacher guiding me. I got to experience how joy, forgiveness, detachment, compassion, kindness and love can flow so effortlessly when we just get out of the way.  And that there really is something so-beyond-special about the magic of mediation (#magicofmeditation) and being surrounded by so much love (#shrianandima). I hope you enjoy a snapshot of some of my favorite moments from my trip...there's definitely more stories coming. If you were on the trip or were not, I would love to hear what insights you've had over the past few months....or would be happy with just a hello below:)!Missed you! xo,Kajal 

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Rice Crackers + Hummus + Kraut


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