Everyday Yogini

bite-size pieces of self-care

Reflections Kajal Dhabalia Reflections Kajal Dhabalia

#100 Day Project: daily art

In October I had a ball doing a 30 day, art every day challenge. I didn't really have any expectations for the month, I was just interested in sketching more and seeing if I'd be able to stick to the routine. Little did I know that it would awaken my creativity in a whole new way :). Above and below are a few of peeks of some of the art I created over the course of 30 days. I really enjoyed exploring my interpretation of goddesses :)...that's Saraswati above and Lakshmi below...amongst sketching out recipes, my everyday yogini's and I did a little ode to quiet places. It didn't really put a box around the type of art I had to create which was so freeing.

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