Dear Friends — I’ve been blogging on my website for over a decade (which is a really long time!). After a lot of thinking, I’ve decided to officially retire my website blog. Moving forward, I’m excited about creating an on-going newsletter + publication on Substack — a wonderful new online space for writers, where the potential for building community and creating new offerings feels like a great opportunity and next step. I hope to see you there! xo, Kajal

p.s. For now, I’ll be keeping the below archives of my blogs available here as they are. And, over time, I will revisit and revive some of them— with revised and refreshed editions posted on Substack.

Reflections Kajal Dhabalia Reflections Kajal Dhabalia

The Happiest Man On Earth: my grandfather.

The happiest man on earth; my grandfather.Words can't really describe what an amazing soul my grandfather was. He touched the lives of thousands; putting a smile on each and every face and filling countless bellies with food and love. He lived on 3 continents, worked hard at turning his dreams into a reality and spent his days feeding people, laughing and making others laugh. He had a deep faith in God and family. And with 8 children, 16 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren, he had the ability to make each one feel special and loved.

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