My top 5 favorite apps

My top 5 favorite apps

When there are literally millions and millions of apps out there, I find that I really appreciate app recommendations from those around me. So in this post, I thought I'd share some of my favorite apps, outside of the standard camera, weather and email apps that I use daily :).

Below are my go-to apps that I enjoy and/or use most regularly: 

1. Insight Timer -

I was first introduced to this app this January when my friend KC Carter hosted a 30-day meditation challenge (which by the way is an awesome way not just to learn how to meditate but to keep the inspiration flowing).

Since then I’ve been hooked :). I personally enjoy silent meditations, so I’ve created my own set of Tibetan bowl chimes that ring at the beginning and end of meditation sessions. And since it’s all done through this handy-dandy app, it journals the date and time when I sit down. As of today, I’m at 74 consecutive days of making time to close my eyes and go inward this year. Some days it’s a quick 10 minute pause and other days is 60-75 minutes. But it’s definitely been awesome to be able to track my progress and commitment. K.C. host’s these meditation challenges twice a year....I highly suggest trying one of them out! 

2. Holy Cow -

As a life long vegetarian and now gluten-free girl, I really appreciate how this app saves me a lot of leg time, especially when I’m traveling! I can just put in a zip code or the name of the city that I’m in and get a list of all vegetarian and veg restaurants....and those that veg-friendly. It’s so much easier to go through their curated list and then see who also has gluten free options. 

3. Evernote -

After really spending time on a few different note-taking apps, I’ve totally fallen in love with Evernote. I use it for EVERYTHING! I do all my business planning, meeting notes, blog writing, daily to-do lists, etc. etc in this app. I find it most easy to use directly on my computer, but love that I have access to it all on my iPad as well as my phone :).

On a personal note, I use it to track new recipes I find online, as well to write out my own recipes, grocery lists, holiday menus and gift ideas for friends and family as I see new and exciting things through out the year.

4. A Beautiful Mess -

This is a great app for creating joy-filled photo montages with little doodles and words. I like using it for social media posts because you can do some fun and unique stuff with the options that they provide, in a relatively quick manner. 

5. Banking App - varies on which account I need to access :).

I’m still one of those people that get paper statements (in case the internet ever goes kurflunk:)....but I do love my banking app. I'm so grateful for being able to deposit check, pay bills and make money transfers whenever I need’s just so dang convenient!

What are your top 5 favorite apps?

Please share below---as I love adding new apps to my repertoire that can make life easier :) I'm sure many of do as well!  



Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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