Heal Thy Self

Daily Practice

Last week I had the opportunity to celebrated my 41st birthday in California doing seva (selfless service) for my meditation teacher, Shri Anandi Ma. Another birthday, another year to reflect. Another birthday, another year to reflect. So many blessings to be grateful for, lessons to learn from and future wishes to put out into the universe. 

My meditation practice is by far the greatest blessing in my life. It has helped guide me through tough times, comforted me through transitions and has provided continuous fuel to help my inner light shine bright. What I love most is that my daily practice meets me where I’m at. Some days that can mean riding high on happy and joyful energy that can be infectious to those around me and some days my practice carries me through low, depressed or anxious energy so that I can feel a sense of gratitude and connection to the divine. 

Heal Thy Self

Last night, I saw an fantastic movie called HEAL (it’s on Netflix and I think you’d enjoy it!). It was about our current state of life and how we are constantly coming from a place of fight or flight. As most of you probably know, fight or flight response is rooted in fear and stress which depletes our energy levels at staggering rates, thus causing great havoc in our bodies. 


The movie focused on illnesses like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune diseases that western medicine does not always know what the root cause is. However, they shared various holistic studies and how research shows that many of these illnesses are stress/mind related. They then went on to show how holistic therapies like Ayurveda, acupuncture, holistic nutrition, therapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), a gratitude practice and most importantly a daily meditation practice can impact your mind, body and soul—ultimately helping your body to heal from the inside out.

It was a great movie and one I would definitely recommend watching! 

Stay Inspired

As a life long yoga and meditation practitioner I understand how developing a daily practice can be rewarding and challenging at the same time. Inspiration by far has been one of the greatest keys for me when it comes to staying motivated to plug in daily. So if you or a friend is in need of a little inspiration, be sure to visit our store for some uplifting words and reminders.

I'd love to hear how you stay inspired, so leave a comment below!


Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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