Messages from the Universe

Little Surprise, Big message

This week I got a message dropped into my lap, straight from the universe :). My yoga teacher ended class with a little surprise. She put one of these Namaste cards at the foot of our mats...mine was the one above. The actual image resonated with me on so many levels, but the message on the back was even more special....

Straight from the universe...

What I loved about the above image is that it's been a reoccurring theme for me this year. I'm working on getting rooted in order to rise. Isn’ t this card perfect for that? 

The past few weeks have been rather challenging due to family health issues that were scary and stressful, and the need to take unplanned time off. As a solopreneur, I’m grateful for the flexibility my work allows…especially when life happens :). However, when I don’t show up for work, I don’t have a magical team to pick up the slack---as I image many of your don't either. So, when I read the message on the back of this card,I definitely felt like it was a message straight from the universe.  

A Blessing of Gratitude
Be grateful for all your experiences, for all in life serves a purpose. There is a blessing in all that did or didn’t happen. There is a blessing unfolding this very moment. Listen to your heart and follow its wisdom. Be mindful, for the journey is as important as the destination. 

I love when the universe talks directly to me and reminds me that there’s a plan so much bigger than us operating…at all times. And that I am, indeed on the right track.

A blessing of gratitude

What made this message even more special was that it confirmed that my theme for my #100dayproject on Capturing Gratitude is exactly what I need to be focusing on right now :). 

Hope this message provides you a little inspiration as well!


Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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#100 days of capturing gratitude