How to Create an Unforgettable Brunch in 5 Easy Steps

Brunching In: 5 easy steps

With the Mother’s Day around the corner and warmer weather providing beautiful backdrops for weekend brunches on the patio. Here are my top 5 tips for brunching in and creating a memorable gathering.


In my house, the food is always the star :). Know your strengths in the kitchen and research recipes that allow you to shine. If pancakes are your jam, then maybe turning them up a notch by trying these Vegan Lemon Ricotta Pancakes or Carrot Cake Pancakes would be fun. Or if savory is more up your alley, instead of just making a scramble, try turning them into these breakfast tacos, with a side of black beans.

Whatever you decide, enjoy the process because the most important ingredient of all is the LOVE that goes into from you…and that’s what everyone will remember the most :). 


It’s fun to provide a few options…cold + hot. Here are some of my favorite warm sips, the Mexican Coffee Recipe is my go-to every morning :). As for cold beverage options, my house is a dry-house, so we opt for simple, but delicious mocktails.

To keep it easy, I love taking a good juice and mixing it with seltzer water….and then adding something fresh to it (pomegranate seeds, lemon/lime slices or fresh cut berries). Trader Joe’s currently has a delicious Mango + Passion Fruit juice which I think mixed with seltzer and topped with strawberry slices would make for an awesome spritzer. But my go-to favorite is  Peach Juice, seltzer and lime slices. 


Pre-setting the table makes the gathering feel special and thought out. It also allows you to think through how you want to serve your meal and on what dishes and utensils you want to use.  Best of all, you can add a few special touches to make your table reflect you. For instance, this year I’m going to add Kindness Cards at each person’s place setting :)….a little inspiration and love to share with all. 


Fresh flowers are magical. Sometimes I just pick them from the garden and put them in little bowls on the table and around the house. And other times, I buy a variety of flowers so that I can create little groupings of vases to sprinkle on the table as well as around the house. Either way…adding a little color to your table adds an element of fun and beauty. In addition candles and some low-key or upbeat music…depending on your crowd make for lovely ambiance. 


Last but not least, I believe the energy of the host sets the tone for a gathering. Whether you’re a pro or novice at hosting gatherings, I’ve found that starting early, allows for ample time to deal with happy accidents and expected outcomes :), as well as time to tidy up, freshen up and get excited. Whether that means prepping a few things the night before or waking up early the morning of…not feeling rushed or overwhelmed makes the whole process so much more enjoyable for YOU and your guests. As someone who has been that overwhelmed host, I know first hand how guests pick up on that energy…so a little head start is so worth it! A head start also allows room for the magic of flow to unfold….so that ultimately, you and your guests are left with a happy bellies and full hearts.

I'd love to hear from you...

What are your favorite brunch recipes? How do you make your gathering’s special? Please, leave a comment below!



Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

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