LIFE: churning cream into butter.

LIFE: churning cream into butter.

2012 © COPYRIGHT KAJAL DHABALIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Last week my family received really sad news; my husband's Aunt and Uncle in Colorado were killed in the wild fires that took place in the mountains near their home. It was reported that the fire was traveling at 75-80 miles per hour and everything in it's path was consumed. It was a real shock to the family and community because they were such active, loving folks that had built their house from scratch, with every fire prevention and protection system you could imagine. Another clear reminder, that life is unpredictable, therefore we need to make the best use of it.Lamar and Moaneti were amazingly wonderful people...kind, honest, hardworking and completely devoted to their church and their spiritual pursuit. They did so much volunteer work; dedicating their life to their community, family and a higher purpose....through their time, love and personal resources.During the memorial service last Friday, their son Sam shared a great story that his father had always told him growing up.

One day there were two frogs that were stuck in a bucket of cream and couldn't get out. The frogs were treading and treading through the cream until one of them gave up and sank to the bottom...but soon the other frog was able to jump out...he learned through hard work and perseverance that if you churn cream long enough, it turns into butter.

Sammy said, "The message was 'stay focused, keep your head down, keep working and it will all work parents churned for 70-some years. They made butter, they hopped out and they are in the arms of their Lord..."This lifetime is our cream. In the Vedic scriptures it says that to be given a human body in this lifetime is an amazing gift that we should appreciate and make good use out of. It takes countless lifetimes to earn, so it's not something you want to take for granted. I think all too often, we think...."that would never happen to me" or put off doing what could be said or done for a loved one until "tomorrow"...the thing is we really do not know how our karma is going to unfold.So stay focused, keep your head down, work hard, and know that the only cream out there that is going to turn to butter is the time spent doing spiritual practices, and the efforts spent giving through self-less service (seva) to your family, your community and the world...that cream comes with you life after life...those are the only things that will fill your bucket so that you can start after life...until the butter is made and we walk towards eternal peace.I pray for Lamar and Moaneti's peace, welfare and for an easy transition to whatever lay next for them. It's a wake up call, that life is short and we have no idea when our time in this life is truly going to be over...So fill that bucket up and start churning!

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


HUMMUS: sun-dried tomato and herbs.


setting INTENTIONS...manifesting your dreams.