HERB & VEGGIE gardens...
make EVERYTHING better!
Herb & Veggie gardens are just so special...I LOVE ours so! I love the way it adds color to our garden, bring all the birds and bees over to visit...and definitely makes cooking a lot more fun and de-lish. I'm happy to report that our garden is doing very well this year...do you have one?A few years ago we planted Rosemary, Oregeno, Sage, Mint and Thyme....and now they've all grown into little bushes....they are definitely happy little herbs that give almost all year around...I have to admit that you get really spoiled living in California with things like this.As for seasonal herbs & veggies, we got a late start to planting....so we really only got a chance to plant basil this year, but it's still done amazingly well. We usually also like to plant a few veggies like...tomatoes, zuchinni, kale, etc..... hopefully next year we'll be able to start out earlier and get a lot more in.
My mother-in-law has the most amazing vegetable garden in Connecticut! It's about a 20 ft. x 20 ft. and she has row after row of raised beds where she grows the most divine heirloom tomatoes, all sorts of delicious squash, rhubarb, black berries and a lot of other goodies....the best part is that she's able to eat to heart's content from it all summer long and she then she still has more than she can finish....a few year's ago she had an amazingly large crop of blackberries, so she picked them and froze two gallon size ziplock bags so that when Joe and I went to visit she made some DELICIOUS pies....it was a real treat! That's her making them below....aren't they beautiful!?!
I use my herbs ALOT! I pick fresh mint every morning for my chai.... in the evening depending on what I'm making I'll throw a little thyme into my rice/ Quinoa pilafs, basil into pasta dishes, oregeno into my mexican dishes and rosemary into my baked veggies...
Fresh herbs have so much prana (energy) in them....as does all FRESH foods....so if you can take advantage of the summer and start growing your own wonders or at least pick some up the next time you're at the supermarket or a farmer's market! Window sill herb planters are always an option, too...if tended to they too can do good all year around!
I would love to hear what you all have growing in your gardens!