birthDAY wishes.

birthDAY wishes. 

2012 © COPYRIGHT KAJAL DHABALIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Here's one of my latest and greatest pieces of art. I've started a new series and am hoping to start selling prints and greeting cards on-line in keep your eyes open for more info in the coming months...So as imperfectly perfect that I am...Today's my birthday and I'm breaking with tradition and sharing my birthday wishes with others. I'm hoping if I put them all out there that,  1.) the universe will have a better chance of hearing them...and 2.) my friends and family will have an easier time supporting me make those wishes come true :). So here I go...

my 34th birthday wishes:

To find a happy balance between work, play, the spiritual and the materialistic.Which for me means:  1.) To make a difference

  • To do what I love for a living, while inspiring those around me and having my work indirectly give back to non-profits and spiritual organizations that move my heart.

2.) To love and be loved

  • To surround myself with those that I love and that LOVE me back.

 3.) To feel peace

  • To meditate/do my yoga practice daily
  • To do seva (volunteer work) regularly
  • Read and do more things that inspire me
  • Journal regularly
  • Clean my house weekly :)....I LOVE Saturday afternoons...after the house is cleaned, errands are much more relaxing!

 4.) To feel healthy

  • Time to work out 4-5x a week.
  • Time to cook deliciously, wholesome meals daily

 5.) Time to feed my creative soul

  • More Date nights...with my Lovey and friends.
  • Mother/ Daughter/ Sister weekends
  • More Family time
  • Gardening time...this year I want to create an even larger herb garden so I can dry them and use then in the winter! Not to mention, grow more veggies, so we can eat straight from our backyard :).
  • Fun house projects/ renovations
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


setting INTENTIONS...manifesting your dreams.


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