An Open Letter to Humanity: Change from the inside out

Dear Humanity,

What a time we are at in history. For many, our heads are spinning while much of the earth is at a stand still. Fake news, real news…what’s the truth?

Clearly, it’s a time that’s been created to teach us the importance of listening—to our gut and wisdom in our hearts. Deep down we always know what is right and what is wrong. So now’s our time to listen, learn and act. Although it appears we have to do this collectively, fundamentally, profound change and deep growth aimed to impact humanity, has to start inside each one of us.

What kind of world do you want to live in?
What kind of life do you want to live?

The basic tenents of the world I’ve always wanted to live in is one that’s rooted in hope, love and kindness. A land built on diversity and cultivated by open hearts and outstretched hands. A land full of dreams and possibilities, regardless of class, creed or religion. Where differences are honored, ideas are celebrated, conversations are encouraged and justice is the norm. Where neighbors keep their doors unlocked and porch lights on. Where strangers openly say hello and always exchange smiles. And, where fears are weeded out and love is planted instead.

This is what I always hoped for the world—but naively always expected from my America.

Rising and Evolving Together

As a first generation American, I grew up in a traditional immigrant family. One that wanted to celebrate our heritage as well as our new American roots. Live the American dream rooted in moving forward, in unity and understanding. In a way that would lift everyone up—not leaving anyone behind or unseen. It’s been about living a better life than our ancestors.  Learning from history and avoiding at all costs to repeat the horrors. And knowing that the only way to rise and evolve, is by rising and evolving together.

Eradicating the Roots

Yet the roots of racism were always visible. At times just lightly wrapped around our feet, reminding us that we were different, despite being American. Other times, climbing up our legs and bodies, making it clear that we needed to be aware of our surroundings and actions.

Black lives on the other hand, from the inception of this country, have been held down by these roots. These roots which enslaved the black community, should have been destroyed centuries ago. Yet, these destructive roots were never fully dealt with, leaving them in some areas, untamed and out of control—and at times, still choking these lives.
This is horrific, unacceptable and not the type of world I want to live in. Now, more than ever I hope we can all come together to eradicate these roots.

Now’s the time...

As an Agent of Change, I have faith we can evolve…and that my high ideals for America are not unreasonable. I also believe that deep change starts one heart, one mind, one hand at a time. 

May we all work to reflect, learn and act in ways that advance justice and equity for all Americans.  Whether through a reflective conversation, attending a protest, reading a book, making art, writing an article or praying for peace and justice….now’s the time to make a difference

#blacklivesmatter #togetherstronger #eradicateracism

With hope and love,


Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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