5 Easy Ways to Calm Your Senses to Help You Sleep Better


SLEEP: The Best Kept Secret

Sleep is an amazing tool. It not only helps with our cognitive functions but also impacts our happiness levels. Which in turn helps us think outside of the box and provides access to deep insights. And when we're deprived of it...you know how it can feel... It can make us moody, more hungry, tired, on edge and has a way of bringing out aches and pains we didn't even know we had :).

With the current pandemic and political intensity, I’ve heard a reoccurring theme around not sleeping well from friends and family. I myself experienced some extra tough weeks in May and June when we were in the middle of moving during this pandemic and my husband had to have impromptu hand surgery two days before our scheduled move date. Not an ideal situation. But then again, nothing since March seems to have been an ideal situation. :)

There's a lot happening. There's a lot to take in. There's a lot to process.

Therefore, sleep is more important than ever. And let me me clear, when I say sleep--I don't mean lay in bed all day with the covers over our head, being depressed kind of sleep. I mean ~7.5 hours of good, deep sleep that leaves you feeling rejuvenated, grounded and nourished to face a new day.

Over the years, I've cultivated some effective holistic remedies that I keep stashed away in my Selfcare Toolbox. Tips, tricks and tools that I've come appreciate and rely on myself and love sharing with friends and family. So, without further ado, let's work our way to some sweet dreams!

5 Easy Ways to Calm Your Senses to Help You Sleep Better

1. SIGHT - Close your eyes on a positive note

Closing your eyes on a happy/ uplifting/ inspiring note allows your body to be a little more relaxed then opting for checking the news, emails or anything else that be a stressful/ depressing way to end your day. Ideally it’s great to ditch our devices; the light emitted from phone/tablet screens is know to keep brains active. So opting for a book, journaling or just talking with a loved one (and keeping it light) is a great way to wrap up the evening.

2. SOUND - Step outside of your mind

Soothing sounds are relaxing. Some people like nature sounds...waves crashing, crickets chirping, birds tweeting...sounds that can get you outside of your head and into the rhythm of Mother Nature. I’m sure a quick google or app search will provide a ton of options. But anything you find comforting works.

I usually go to sleep listening to powerful and soothing mantras that my teachers, Shri Anandi Ma and Dileepji recorded for peace & healing. But one night back in May I was really depressed and just needed something that could transport me to a happy memory. So I turned on one of my favorite playlists I use on road trips. It was a pretty upbeat playlist, but my energy was so LOW that the upbeat, happy-memory related energy felt comforting, relaxing and got me out of my head.....and into a deep slumber.

3. TASTE - Liquids with intentions

Liquid intake is always important, but liquids with intentions at bed time can go a long way. Herbal Teas are pretty well known for their soothing and relaxing properties. I personally love Celestial Seasonings, Extra Sleepytime Tea w/ Valerian :). It’s soothing, gentle and puts me to sleep right away. Chamomile is another one that’s classically known for helping unwind.

But my new favorite is pure Cherry Juice (no sugar, no additives). A lot of articles specify Tart Cherry Juice, but I've found that Black Cherry Juice works just as great. It's naturally rich in melatonin, antioxidants and omega 3's. So not does it help you fall asleep, but it helps relieve inflammation from workouts and/or arthritis! It's absolutely magical.

4. TOUCH - Massage Your Feet w/ a little oil

This Ayurvedic inspired remedy to help with sleep is one I've been doing for decades. A little almond oil, five minutes of a little intentional massaging of my soles and I’m down for the count. In Ayurveda, oil is known for helping pull the air element out of body. In addition, the actually massaging will not only leave your feet feeling rejuvenated, but your organs appreciating the love as well.

5. SMELL - Your Way to Relaxing -

Back in college, one of my best friend's, Danny Arguetty introduced me to the wonders of Lavender oil---long before it was as popular as it is now :). Not only does it smell good but it's proven to help with anxiety and insomnia. A little dab of it on the wrists and neck before bedtime goes a long with helping unwind and relax.

Here's to deep sleep & sweet dreams :),


Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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