3 Simple Ways to create self-care touchstones this fall

Dear Friends,

THANK YOU so much for all the love from my last blog post...my email has been overflowing with condolences, prayers, love and stories of your own moms---all of which have been so comforting to receive and take in. I feel blessed and am so grateful for y'all. 


I find that seasons of life are more enjoyable when your external landscape matches your internal landscape. Needless to say, this summer I was not feeling inspired by the bright sunshine, hot temperatures or by hearing adventurous vacation tales. My speed was closer to deep winter — when the trees have lost all their leaves, the temperatures are below freezing and all you want to do is crawl under the blankets and hibernate. 

I do believe that every season has a purpose. My winter forced me to slow down, conserve my energy for taking care and being with my mom and then hibernate so that I could process at the root level the deep changes that were taking place inside and outside of me. 

Root level work is demanding and even at times depressing as the landscape feels, bleak, cold and lonely. But that’s where deep growth also happens. I know I’m definitely not ready for the spring. Thankfully, I feel like I’m moving backwards this year—so I’m looking forward to the fall; definitely feels more like my speed. 


Fall is a transition season —a time for things coming to an end, but also come alive at the root level for deep work. It’s also one of the busiest seasons for externally. Therefore, I’m trying to be more mindful than usual of my routine—which puts self-care at the top on my list. 

For me this means, I’m trying my best to prioritize my daily meditation practice, sleep, what I’m putting in my body, breathing fresh air, being in nature and taking the time to find beauty and gratitude. 

Getting in movement through walks, yoga and cardio is also super important. I've been trying my best to get in a daily walk, but have had a harder time getting myself on my yoga mat or to the gym for a more cardio intense workout. I've been gentle with myself the past two months because deep sadness and loss is exhausting. Some days, especially at the beginning, it was hard just to muster up enough energy for a walk. However, I'm ready for a little more dedicated, daily movement...mostly because I know exercise does amazing stuff for moods, energy levels and sleep....all of which is nourishing and rejuvenating.

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald


I’m also changing up my routine a little. This week I started a project that’s been marinating in my heart for 9 years. A book I had hoped to write with my mom while she was in her body, but will now do with her on more of a subtle plane. Committing to it has been exciting, overwhelming, sad and healing all at the same time. It definitely makes me feel closer to my mom and reminds of the abundance of goodness I’ve been blessed with....both of which I need right now. Although I’m still in the mind mapping and outlining phase....I can’t wait to share this little piece of my heart with you...so stay tuned. 


As we shortly head into fall —where are you at? How are you feeling? Are you scheduling in some self-care time? Do you have a touchstone in place to keep you inspired? 

3 Simple Ways to create self-care touchstones this fall

NOTE TO SELF - Sticking a post-it note to the side of your computer screen---that says, STOP & BREATHE, GO FOR A WALK, TRUST THE UNIVERSE....

START A 40 DAY SUN SALUTATION CHALLENGE - A practice that can take 10 minutes or less---but it's time set aside for YOU...to help you get energized for your day or re- energized at the end of the day.

VISUAL BEAUTY + COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS - Framing a print like the one above and hanging it near your bed, in the kitchen or by your front door is great way to remind yourself to count your blessings---especially because gratitude is an amazing tool---especially after a long day. Plus, a little added beauty to your home, office or studio is always soothing for the soul.

I'd love to hear where you're at with self-care, what kind of touchstones you use and how you are feeling overall as we head into the fall--so please leave a comment below.

With lots of love,


Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Early Fall Gift Guide


Losing my mom---Death, grieving and taking life one day at a time.