10 Ways to Get in Self-Care During the Holiday Season

With the holiday season in full swing and most people being at the height of busy-ness, I thought it'd be helpful to share some quick tips and ideas on how to tuck in self-care through out the week this holiday season. If I've learned anything over the years, it's that self-care is most essential when we are the busiest….because ultimately it fuels us and provides great preventative measures from overwhelm, the sickies and the crankies :).  

10 Ways to get in Self-Care during the Holiday Season

1 - Drink Your Veggies - Stock your fridge with prepared veggie juices or green smoothie fixings because fresh veggies provide amazing energy and nourishment. And during the holidays when we’re surrounded by sweets, treats and holiday meals...green juices help to curb sugar cravings.

So make it easy to get in your vegetables...grab & go or make & take with you to work---whatever works for your schedule. Here's a great round up of smoothie recipes. My one piece of advice if you’re buying prepared green juices—make sure to find a green juice that is mostly vegetable based....fruit heavy juices end up having a lot more sugar, which holiday cookies and other sweet treats already provide :). Trader Joe’s has a pretty good one. 

2 - Evening Walking + Light Tour - Bundle up the family and go on an evening walking tour of  your favorite neighborhood that’s dolled up for the holidays. There’s just something so magical about holiday decorations at night :), the smell of fireplaces burning....and getting some movement in.

3 - Yoga Date - Schedule a holiday yoga date with a friend. Find a class at your studio that you know will meet you where you’re at and then call a friend and see if she wants to go with you. A lot of studios in our area have Friday night restorative yoga classes....done to candle light. :)

4 - Quiet your Mind. Quiet Your Space - Download Insight Timer and grab 15 minutes first thing in the morning, during your lunch, while your dinner is cooking or before bed...to close your eyes and meditate. Meditation is an powerful way to clear your mind, decompress and get rejuvenated at the same time. 

5 - Come Home to Dinner Already Cooked - Sunday night, prep the crockpot for a delicious weeknight night soup (especially for a day you know you might be home late). That way all you have to do before you leave for work in throw in your fixings and turn on the crockpot....and voila, you will come home to a delicious smelling house and nourishing meal. Here’s one of my favorite crockpot lentil stew recipes. 

6 - Ample Pillow Time - schedule in earlier than normal bedtimes, every few days. That could just mean creating a 15 min bed time routine to help you unwind...like playing a favorite tune, pulling out the peppermint lotion and giving yourself a quick foot rub before getting to bed. A simple 15 minute routine can go a long way for helping get some deep sleep. Especially since sleep is an amazing tool that is underused even though it comes with endless benefits.

7 - Live the Movie, It's a Wonderful Life -  When it gets busy and socializing is at an all year high, it’s easy to get tired, overwhelmed and….short with those we love. So start a 21-Day Holiday gratitude list--in a journal or use one of our Boxes w/ Intentions - Gratitude box. Before bedtime take 2 minutes to write three things you are grateful for….and do it for 21 days straight. Small actions, lead to big changes.

8 - Don’t Leave Home without Your H2O - keep your water bottle full and close on hand this month. Staying hydrated not only keeps energy levels up, but keeps your skin glowing and your insides cleaned out.

9 - Lunchtime Refresher - Grab a friend and get in a bundled-up-winter- walk during lunch. The fresh air, good conversation and a cup of hot tea waiting for you back at your desk can be a great break from a packed in day.

10 - Give Your Phone a Night Off - Some evenings just silence your phone and let yourself BE….be fully present and  enjoy not having to “be on” or engaged with the digital world (social media, texts, email, whatever it is that you “tune” into)....and go play in the snow :). 

I’m always open to new ways of getting in self-care during the holidays, so leave a comment below and let me know what you do during the holidays to take care of yourself!


Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Happy Holidays + I've got my traveling boots on!


Raspberry Jam Shortbread Sandwiches