Ted Mid Atlantic 2017: Meeting Jose Andres, Tim Kaine and other super heroes of our times!

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Tedx Mid Atlantic

This past weekend I had the good fortune of attending Tedx Mid Atlantic.What is Tedx Mid Atlantic you ask....well, you know those amazingly inspirational Ted Talks that make their way around the internet? Well, Tedx are regional versions of that conference and the Mid Atlantic one happens to take place right here in the Washington D.C. :).I've attended two years in a row now and I have to say I'm always floored by the quality and content of each speaker's talk. Tedx brings together some of the most amazing minds of our time...that are doing and sharing some phenomenal work!  In 1.5 days they packed in 48 speakers(!!!), each of which had 10 minutes to share there their message, project and/or idea...and each and everyone left me inspired and wowed!

Super Heros of Our Times

This year's theme was Super Powers and speakers identified with a variety of powers....empathy, common sense, education, love, speaking up, sharing, follow through, imagination, hope, being yourself, kindness....attributes we often think about, but through the eyes of these speakers, it was clear that these traits were their super powers and that they were acting on them to whole heartedly, inspire future generations.Among many talented speakers, hearing Tim Kaine speak was one of my favorites! He reminded us that no matter what life throws us, we just have to pick ourselves up and keep on moving on. And that we are each a hero if we keep helping each other along the way.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The Tedx Mid Atlantic team ended with a huge surprise by bringing out famous DC Chef, Jose Andres. Chef Andres had just flown back to DC that afternoon from being in Puerto Rico for over one month helping feed the island that was devastated after Hurricane Irma. His story was profound and a strong reminder, that actions speak louder than words.He shared how he was able to mobilize his non-profit, World Central Kitchen and get clean food and water to the people of Puerto Rico faster than Fema could....and it was only because he knew he had to help NOW. Not next week or a few weeks from NOW, but NOW. So he went to Puerto Rico  and did what he knows best----to cook and feed people.  Within days hours of being on the ground, he and his team managed to set up a make shift kitchen and began distributing sandwiches and water. And soon after they began serving hot meals, made from ingredients that locals to relate to like beans, rice and protein.By the end of the month, he had 18 kitchens set up throughout the island which allowed him and his team to feed over 75,000 ppl a day---which equaled over 2 million people in that one month! Isn't that amazing! Coming from a long line of cooks, I found this story to be so moving. He's truly a remarkable man, with a remarkable heart.

What's Your Super Power?

So needless to say, the weekend has left me inspired and eager to keep sharing my superpower which I've always identified as love....love that I'm blessed to share through my art and gifts.What's your super power? Leave a comment below....I've love to hear from you!xo,Kajalp.s. I highly recommend looking up to see if there is a Tedx event in your area...they're definitely worth being a part of!p.s.s. Here's a great article on how Chef Jose Andres Fed Puerto Rico, and May Change How Aid Is Given. Actions speak louder than words :). 

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

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