Nature's bounty: a pantry for home remedies

cilantro parsley tea, spring cleanse

Using Nature's Bounty for spring remedies

It's starting to feel like spring....the grass is turning green, the flowers are blossoming, the bird's are chirping....and I've started sneezing :). What about you? Does the pollen, fresh grasses and the blossoming beauties in your neck of the woods get you sneezy and stuffy?Several years ago, I attended a really great workshop by Jen Jensen and Phil Madden of Sonoma Valley Acupuncture and Herb Center called Wellness 101: Spring Remedies. In their usual, customary style, Jen and Phil shared a wealth of information:).  My biggest take away from that afternoon was on the importance of taking time to do some kind of internal spring cleanse. They explained that by taking the time to do a gentle cleanse in the spring, we can better support our liver to get ready for the summer when our body is busy helping us stay cool, fight allergies and keep active.So this weekend, I plan on starting a mini-cleanse by indulging in my favorite Spring time ritual, sipping Parsley Cilantro Tea. Jen said that doing something as simple as making this fresh tea and drinking it everyday for a week can really help to gently cleanse your system. I've done this for the past few years and I have to say, it's an awesome home remedy!

Everyday Wonder Herbs

As a kid I never understood why my mom and grandmother topped everything off with cilantro; dals, curries, homemade breads, you name it and it probably had cilantro in it :). But now as an adult, I have great appreciation for the amazing herbal knowledge that my ancestors had. They knew nature's bounty was more than just for satisfying the belly, but contained great remedies for overall well-being.  Both cilantro and parsley have a wealth of nutritional properties and together these herbs contain vitamins and minerals that are amazing for fighting disease and for preventative healthcare.....

Cilantro is a powerful antioxidant, digestive aid, a great source of iron and magnesium, reduces minor swelling, disinfects and helps detoxify the body, stimulates the endocrine glands (great for someone like me that has Thyroid Hashimoto's), lowers blood sugar, is a natural antifungal agent for skin disorders (like eczema), contains immune-boosting properties, acts as an expectorant, helps with cramps & regulating periods, is great for the eyes and last but not least, helps promote healthy liver function.

Parsley kills bacteria, has high doses of vitamin C that assists with better absorption of iron, dissolves cholesterol, is a natural diuretic (which helps eliminate excess water for your system...great for weight loss), assists with regulating menstrual cramps, helps balance hormones and purifies the blood,

Who wants to do a Gentle Spring Cleanse?

So starting this weekend I'll be sipping on Cilantro Parsley tea for 7-10 days (April 23- May 2) and would love to have you join me. There's just something so communal about  cleanses and the idea of getting ready for the warm weather and all the lovely blooms that will be coming and going from now until the fall together.All you need is a 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 bunch of parsley and water (the recipe for the actual tea is below). I generally make about 4 cups of it in the morning and then sip on it throughout the addition to my usual routine (meals, movement, work). And then after the initial 7-10 days, I continue to enjoy the tea sporadically throughout the warm weather season.  It's pretty simple and super refreshing.I'd love to hear if you're joining me, let me know in the comments below and make sure to join our facebook group, Wholesome Soul Living. Our facebook group area is where we'll be sharing our Parsley and Cilantro tales :). Lastly, if you know of any other great home remedies for the spring/allergy season, please share below!Happy Cleansing,Kajal

Cilantro Parsley Tea
Recipe Type: Beverage
Author: Kajal Dhabalia
Serves: 4 cups
  • 1/4 cup Parsley, washed and roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup Cilantro, washed and roughly chopped
  • 4 1/2 cups Water (the 1/2 cup is for water that will burn off during the process.
  1. In a small pot combine water, parsley and cilantro.
  2. Bring to a boil and strain.
  3. Enjoy warm or at room temperature all day.
Great to sip on through out the day. For best results in the spring, sip throughout the day for 7-10 days in a row.


Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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