My first SHOW.

First show GRATITUDE.

My first show was AWESOME.I took the week before the show off from my "day" job and put my hammer to the nail to get ready for it. We spent Thanksgiving weekend creating and packaging all sorts of different, ornaments, prints, reproductions of prints on wood was so fun to see all our products come to life! And my family and friends were awesome helpers!

The days leading up to the show it began raining...we took that as a sign of auspiciousness. And then my sister surprised me and flew out to be a part of all the fun...what a gift that was.

We managed to get all our stuff to the venue with no problems (completely dry) and had a ball setting up. My hubbie; my Joe-of-all-trades built me a beautiful backdrop for where I could hang my work. He made it from recycled wood and lots of love.  And then I got to meet my "booth mate", Shay Carillo of Non-Perishable Designs...what a blessing. Not only is she an amazingly creative artist, but she's super sweet. And her products are gorgeous. You can check them out here.

My friend Trupti also had a booth with her beautiful sheep and chandeliers. She did an awesome job getting all her BIG art together for such a small space.

By the time the show started....the rains were torrential...I really wondered if the show would be cancelled.

But, thankfully the people came. Rain or shine...the show went on.

It was a great experience putting myself out definitely made me step out of my little yogini cave! The patrons that visited the show were great. Very supportive and very friendly. And the love and support from my family and friends was amazing. A big THANK YOU to all of you that stopped by, helped or dropped me note during the weekend....the whole sum of my experience was AWESOME and for that I'm grateful!

p.s. As a token of gratitude all items on my on-line store will be 15% off between December 5- 15, 2012....just use the coupon code  2012HOLIDAY15 when checking out! I'll be adding new items to the store all week! So stay tuned!

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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Thanksgivings Guest House