Mind Over Matter + Free Printable

Now’s the time to stop & listen

On Monday night I read the following words by Sarah Jenks on an Instagram:

"There’s something big happening here. My body is activated, like it’s going through an upgrade. I’m having intense dreams, extreme energy and very clear visions. My body oscillates between indigestion, anxiety, deep calm and racing heart.....here’s the deal: our magic, our connection to the sacred meaning of what’s happening, the invitation for humanity to step into a new way of being is so, so, so important for us to listen to. Source/ Spirit/ God/ Goddess/ Mother Earth is trying to communicate. She has messages and we need to listen".

I felt comforted by her words because I know I’ve been feeling much of the above sentiments over the past few weeks....might I even say the past few months. In my experience, my body has always been ahead of my mind. I believe our souls are connected to the divine and often She/He/It communicates to us through our body….whispering to us, nudging us, warning us.

And right now, it's time to stop & listen. 

Mind Over Matter

It’s natural to feel a lot of feeling right now, I know I am. All our deepest insecurities, fears around our basic needs and the strength of our relationships are being tested. Making us question things like:

Will we have enough money to make ends meet?
Will we have enough food to put on the table?
How will I manage cooking all our meals? 
How will I manage to be around my family 24-7How will I keep my family safe? 
How will I manage without ___________(you fill in the blank).
Will I contract this virus and die? 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years from my teacher, Shri Anandi Ma, it's that that our mind is a very powerful tool--one that can work for us or against us. And right now, we need it to work for us. That means we can’t keep feeding it fear and negative thoughts. In the science of Ayurveda they say that fear and stress both cause Ama (toxins) in the body and that if it keeps accumulating, it can become a seat for disease—that’s the last thing we need right now. 

Faith Over Fear...Managing Your Perceptions 

As we navigate through the ebbs and flows of our current times, instead of giving strength to fears and anxiety, let’s try something different; faith over fearSource/ Spirit/ God/ Goddess/ Mother Earth always has a plan. Although we are not always privy to the entire plan, it’s times like these the we need to hold on to faith tightly, over fear. So, in between washing our hands, social distancing and self-quarantining….let’s stop and listen more, feed our souls regularly and help those around us do the same. 

The Power of Positive Energy &
The Law of Attraction

“Your thoughts are energy signals, meaning that you can send out particular signals in order to attract things in your life. This process is commonly referred to as the law of attraction, and is one of the most powerful laws in the Universe. The law of attraction has been used for centuries and is the art of using your thoughts to manifest your intentions into realities. Because the universe is responding to the energy you are sending out, all you have to do is visualize what you want to create, really feel it and see it in your mind’s eye, and then release it out to the Universe.” - Tanaaz Chubb, Healer


I created this free printable called, I AM WELL. A set of affirmations that you can print out, add your own affirmations to and then tape to your bathroom mirror. Read it in the morning when you first get up and read it again as you get ready to go to bed. Because as Tanaaz Chubb so beautifully puts it.... “Intentions are like requests or declarations. Magically, the Universe always seems to respond to them. Setting intentions is not about having every wish catered to; instead, it is about trusting that the Universe will take care of you by bringing you the best possible outcome.”

Many of you are healers, educators and creatives —each of you is a messenger of the divine.
I have a feeling many of your might be feeling similar things. So together, let’s take the time to stop, tune inward, stay positive, listen and then shine our bright light out into the world….because the world more than ever is going to need your light right now. 

Please feel free to share this FREE PRINT liberally…because TOGETHER, I’ve always believed we are a force of nature to be reckoned with.

Sendings lots of love and light,

“It is time to care for one another, to pray over water and wash away fear every time we wash our hands.“ - Dori Midnight, poet

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Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


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