Head vs. Heart

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Tapping into your heart

One of my favorite yoga instructors back in California use to always start his classes off by saying..."FOLLOW THE WISDOM OF YOU HEART”. I use to love the imagery that would ensue in my head. Bright blue skies, birds chirping and me sitting inside of a beautiful garden. With my eyes closed and face pointed to the sun—ready to listen to what the universe inside me had to say that morning.

Although I’ve always kept these words tucked in my heart, once out of class it wasn’t always easy to tap into that peaceful space and inspiring words. It’s amazing how fast outside noises and fear can creep in when you’re about start something new, are in the middle of a big transition…or any opportunity when overwhelm, exhaustion or stress can show their faces.

Capturing Inspiration

This past December, these words kept coming up in my head…and that’s when I knew I needed to create a piece to capture this inspiration and share it with you all. A touchstone we could hang above our desks as a gentle reminder to check in with our heart/gut as we move through our days and most importantly as we make decisions.

This past week an esteemed mentor of mine wrote to me to say…."Your heart knows. Let her lead the way....head will help when you need him, but let heart light the way with her wisdom”. 

I couldn't agree more with her wise words.

So, I hope you find as much inspiration from this piece as I do. My aim was to captures the essence of a happy, colorful and divine garden that I believe resides within each of us. And of course include the reminder--FOLLOW THE WISDOM OF YOUR HEART. :)


What wise words, in your favorite yoga class, have made an imprint on your heart? I'd love to hear, so be sure to leave a comment below!

Onward & upward, friends!

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Love Letter to Me


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