divine OFFERINGS...

divine OFFERINGS...

In the yogic tradition, ceremonial fires (which in sanskrit are referred to as a "yagna", " homam" or "havan") are often done so that prayers, gratitude and love can be offered directly to the divine. Often a fire ceremony is done when something auspicious is going to be done or has been done...like when you get married, have a baby, build a house, etc, etc...or when you simply want to put extra good energy towards your health, prosperity, a difficult situation, or to remove obstacles before a new endeavor, etc, etc.Yogis say that the fire is like the mouth of the divine, so all that is offered into the fire goes directly to the source; a very powerful and direct connection to God.This past week, Anandi Ma and Dileepji performed a sponsored anusthan (a set of intense spiritual practices) for the welfare of their students. To end their week of anusthan, they performed a beautiful fire ceremony followed by an hour of meditation. And all their Bay Area students that sponsored a part of the anusthan were invited to attend. (Click here if you want to learn more about anusthans)I particularly love fire ceremonies as the divine energy is so much more tangible in those moments and the meditations that follow are that much deeper.....it was a really beautiful day.Our kitchen team of course prepared a scrumptiously sattvic feast to follow....

Zuchinni, Spinach and Three-Cheese Lasagna (there was a vegan/ gluten free option, too :))

Summer Salad with hints of fresh pomegranates and other goodies

Herbed Bread

& Lovely Yellow Cake with Lemon Curd

I feel so lucky to be able to live in proximity to a yoga and meditation center that has a real and authentic teacher (master of Kundalini Maha Yoga) that is actually in the body, totally accessible and totally devoted to helping her students reach the ultimate goal of life....to help us meet our TRUE selves. 

This week, Dhyanyoga Centers will be hosting three evenings of meditation with Shri Anandi Ma...totally free to the public...a gold mine waiting to be discovered. Don't miss out....the opportunity of meditating and taking part in the spiritual discourses that follow the meditations each night are priceless....the nuggets of gold they share are simple, profound and a real reminder of how strong maya (illusions) of this life are...time doesn't stop for anyone so don't wait until "tomorrow" to start focusing on the real.

Upcoming Events at Dhyanyoga Centers in Antioch:

An Evening of Meditation, Spiritual Discourse and Grace

June 14-16, 2012 | 6 pm Doors Open, 6:30 pm Chanting, 7-9 pm Meditation and Satsang

Success Through the Breath Workshop

 June 16, 2012 | 9:30 am- 1 pm | Fee: $61| Registration Deadline: June 5

To register, contact Jayshree at 925-779-9660 or email jayshree@dyc.org.

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


everyday MAGIC....

