Chocolate, Painting, the Olympics, Faith and Building Community....

sharing the goodness....

I just LOVE the feels so much more carefree than the rest of the year! In the past few weeks, I've had the opportunity to do a few cool things, so I wanted to pass these things forward....because it's always more fun to share goodness with others :).


This past weekend Joe (my husband) took me Chocolate Tasting at Alegio Chocolate in Berkeley, CA was pretty cool. They were ranked by Time Magazine as the 3rd best chocolate in the world....their motto is:

There are no mass assembly lines here - no preservatives, no other “natural” ingredients. Only the finest quality of chocolate, butter, spices, nuts, purees and flavors.

We tried over a dozen different varieties of chocolate and all of them were DELICIOUS! So if you live in the Bay Area or are planning a trip this way, I would definitely recommend going!


Also, this past weekend one of my friend's from my Hello Business, Hello Soul E-Course came down from Sacramento and we had the chance to hang out and paint for a few was JUST WHAT I NEEDED. It was great having some good conversation, good food and best of all I got a chance to learn a lot cool things from Nicole....this was my latest and greatest from our day together....soon to be available on my on-line store :)....stay tuned...more to come in the next few weeks.If you enjoy the Arts....invite a friend over and spend some time crafting (turn your phones off and tune out)'s always a great way of clearing your head and having fun at the same time.

the Olympics...

For those of you that don't know me....I LOVE the Olympics! I love the passion, determination and willpower that all the athletes's absolutely beautiful...and contagious. My friends chuckle at me, but sometimes I even cry :)....but it's just so much fun when you see someone accomplish something that they've been working so hard at and dedicating all their time to. I think it's absolutely one of the most  beautiful things ever! Many of them are everyday people who have a doesn't get more awesome than that!If you haven't had a chance to tune into them yet....I'd highly suggest doing's inspiration in a bucket :).


Then during the month of July, I had the opportunity to attend 2 out 4 talks that were given by Father Tom Bonnaci who is the Executive Director of the Interfaith Peace Project. He was a very dynamic and thoroughly enjoyable speaker...his wisdom and insights on spirituality versus religion were beautiful. His message was loud clear....meditation more than anything truly allows one to EXPERIENCE God/ your true self,  rather than just reading or talking about it. If you're into spirituality, then you'll probably really enjoy him!

Building Community...

Lastly, I attended an awesome volunteer meeting at Dhyanyoga Center's ( a non-profit organization dedicated to inner peace and world peace), with the sole focus being Building Community. We narrowed our focus to 4 big volunteer projects that we'll be working on for the next half of the year...if you like to volunteer, this is a great organization to do it with. Not only is there so much to learn from other volunteers but  it's a great way to give to back to a good cause....INNER PEACE and WORLD PEACE, hello!For those of you not familiar with Dhyanyoga Center's,.......their yoga classes are OUT OF THIS WORLD and their meditation events hosted by Shri Anandi Ma are OUT OF THIS GALAXY :)! Meditation is such a profound thing to add to your day... just twenty minutes of it a day can not only makes a huge impact on you, but can have a profound effect on all those that you come in contact just end up exuding really great, happy vibes...So, if you get a chance....check out their calendar....try out a meditation, volunteer to help'll feel like a whole new person!

Happy August!

Happy Weekend!

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Summer Caprese Panini


Pasta a la Summer