BRAVE girls club.

are you a BRAVE girl?

" Brave Girls Club is a worldwide community of women who want to live the best, happiest, most productive and fabulously brave life they can possibly live…and that means something different to every single one of us.

Brave Girls Club is an online community, a portal for amazing connections, a news source for everyday heroes, a resource for great ideas, amazing endeavors, everyday problem solving, realistic recipes and unforgettable get-togethers. Brave Girls Club is a place to feel free, to feel peace, and to feel brave. Brave Girls Club is not an exclusive club…every woman is invited. Brave Girls Club is life-changing fun, life-changing truths, and life-changing friendships."

- Melody Ross (co-founder of Brave Girls Club)

What an amazing organization....these two sisters, Melody and Kathy came together and created these life changing, awe-inspiring retreats, books, e-courses with no advertising (they have over 20,000 women following them on FB now) and without borrowing a single penny....all while they have helped restore, rejuvenate and inspire thousands of women. They have a really beautiful story and their gifts to the world seem invaluable. For all you women out there, I highly suggest checking out their website and on-line courses...I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed, but thrilled with the impact it will have on you.

Here's to being BRAVE, girls!

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


GINGER: another wonder herb.


LOVE life.