2014: Be Open

Happy New Year's! 2014 is here…can you believe it? I think I say this every year, but I really do feel like time is moving so much faster these days. So what intentions are you setting for the New Year? What is your word for the year going to be?Last year my word was "GROW"…and that I did. I grew stronger and healthier by learning that I'm gluten intolerant, so I changed my diet and saw a big shift in my health. I also grew more open by not letting fears dominate me as much which pushed me to give my first official cooking class. I grew more outward by taking the risk with my husband to move across the country and start a new adventure on the east coast. And lastly, I grew more refreshed by granting myself permission to "hibernate" after our move…so that I could take the time to nest some and make our new house feel like a home as well as spend some time getting acquainted with our new surroundings.As for 2014, initially I thought I thought I wanted my word to be "soar", but after contemplating it a little more…I realized that for me 2014 is really going to be about staying open; so my mantra for 2014 is BE OPEN.BE OPEN …to what the universe may want to teach.BE OPEN …to however things unfold.BE OPEN …to what adventures lie ahead…internally and externally.BE OPEN …to new opportunities that may come knocking.BE OPEN …to new friendships and connections.BE OPEN …to the unknown possibilities of each and every day.So what is YOUR word for 2014?

As a token of much gratitude, I will be sending one of you awesome reader's one of my matted prints for the New Year!

All you have to do to enter is:

In the comments section below, tell us what your word is for 2014 and why by 10 am EST, Monday, January 6, 2014.

I will announcing a winner Tues, Jan 7, 2014. I look forward to hearing your intentions!I wish you all a New Year full of endless possibilities of joy, peace and love that come to us when we STAY OPEN!Much love and peace! xo,Kajal  

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Almond Ojas Drink…and the winners are!


Blackberry Apple Crumb Pie