Trusting Change

Between 2020 and the little we've experienced of 2021, it's clear that change is high on the priority list for the universe :). Last year I was part of a daily writing group, and one of the writing prompts was, "A crumbled up map”. And what I wrote that day was...

A crumbled up map means the sky’s the limit. A blank canvas that allows us to radically reimagine the way we think and live. Although change is scary it brings in so much new energy. A new way of doing things. A new way of thinking about things. A new way of experiencing things. It allows us to take stock of where we’re at and where we’ve been, so we can carve out a new path forward into the unknown. 

Designing a New Path forward

Riding the waves of change are hard when things are "normal", but we've been riding them along with waves of uncertainty as a collective for so long now, that I think it's important to acknowledge the amount of nurturing that our spirit, mind and body need to continue riding these intense waves. There's so much happening on so many levels right now.

I see 2021 as an opportunity to radically re-imagine and re-map our lives and the kind of individual and collective we want to be not only this year but for many years to come. Although change is hard when it's in process--especially since it often requires large amounts of patience, sacrifice, tolerance and love---in the end, change always also reveals its blessings. 

As my friend Jenny Blake says, if change is the one thing that's constant, how can we get better at it? How can we support ourselves through it---inside and out. How do we design new routes and create routines that can nurture, rejuvenate and inspire us along the way as we navigate these huge internal and external shifts together. 

Although I don't believe we draw our own maps (that takes a divine hand)--- I do believe that we have an active role in how things unfold by designing routes from the thing we do have control over. The things I believe we have control over are: 

  • Consciously crafting new paths through our attitude and actions.
  • Mindfully choosing who we have join us on our journey.
  • Being intentional about the conversations we play on the radio of our minds.
  • And, lovingly packing the right tools we'll need along the way, through self-care.

Trusting Change

Some of you might have noticed that I've been quieter than usual the past few months. Through the fall and now into the winter I've been busy working 1:1 with my design clients and spending time writing my book--which I've been loving and enjoying very much. In addition, I've made more time for nurturing myself and my family-- there's a lot to process right now. So, for me that means my meditation and mantra japa practice has increased, daily walking/exercise is prioritized and cooking with love to fuel us is more important than ever.

My word for 2021 is CHANGE and I've got a lot of it on the horizon in 2021! So, trusting change and the process is what my focus is right now.

So, if change in the one constant thing, what new routes or routines are you looking at designing in your life or business in 2021 to better support yourself? And how can I help you? :)

May this next year inspire you to move closer to your deepest dreams!

Lots of love,

Kajal Dhabalia

Kajal Dhabalia is a Creative Strategist + Well-Being Coach that helps soulful humans design a life + business they love, so that they can nourish, inspire and evolve—from the inside out.

1:1 Coaching | Ayurvedic Consultation | Courses | Creative Design Services


Plant Seeds & Transition w/ Ease


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